Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Technology & Pedagogy"

I chose this particular lesson for two reasons. First, when it comes to online activities and and integrating technology into math I feel as though geometry does it the best. Because geometry is such a visual topic finding different programs to show triangle or circle constructions is very simple. But also makes learning geometry fun and interesting which helps because of how dry a subject geometry can be for many students. The second reason is because I have personally done this project myself in class so I had a firm grasp of how the lesson plan worked and what was being asked of the students.

The biggest gap between the goals for this project and the strategies is the fact that it doesn't mention the introduction of theorems to help the students construct the different triangles until the end of the lesson. When I did this project I had a whole class period on how to use a compass and straightedge to construct the different triangles where as these students seem to have just been asked to attempt this without any direction. To me this is an easy fix by including that kind of lesson first or perhaps that is not an issue because this lesson is one of many in a whole unit and the tools to find these different triangles was already taught to the students.

The use of the Triangle Classification online activity was not essential to achieving the curriculum goals. The use of this program was more of an after thought used to reenforce the topic and skills the students were practicing. If I were teaching the lesson I would use Geometers Sketchpad to generate the triangle constructions because it allows you to show more than the program Illuminations offers.